F i n e A r t L a n d s c a p e s

The images I create originate from my desire to explore the landscape, look for unique characteristics and reveal the relationships between evocative environments and the things that inhabit them. My photography focuses on the graphic aspects of an image isolating the qualities that I find most expressive. I gravitate to settings that are personally evocative, compelling and that convey a certain mystery. Photography creates a vehicle for me to interpret and reveal the ephemeral qualities of a memorable place. I search for deeply affecting or fleeting perspectives that are alluring and intriguing, offering an unexpected moment where our imaginations can dwell.

now represented by


729 Canyon Road

Santa Fe, New Mexico


e p h e m e r a l

l a n d s c a p e s

“Don’t shoot what it looks like. Shoot what it feels like.”
– David Alan Harvey

h a r d s c a p e s

s o f t s c a p e s

s t o r i e d

l a n d s c a p e s

I’ve pursued these photographic collages to better express my impressions of the landscapes I’ve inhabited and the feelings and associations they evoked. More than what I can achieve in a single photograph, they bring together the sweeping context and the iconic elements that preside over a landscape, with any metaphorical imagery triggered by my experience. I overlay the analytical aspect of our human nature, the metrics we can’t help but use in our pursuit of understanding and mastering the world around us. As any landscape has its phenomenological origins, I include references to the ongoing processes that gave rise to its morphology. The goal is to include the many layers of meaning that I experience and hopefully others will discover their own interpretations.

e x p l o r a t i o n s

This series of photographs represents recent explorations as I continue to seek alternative ways of capturing the impressions, moods and drama of our physical world.

a r c h i t e c t o n i c

i s o l a t i o n

r a n d o m m u s i n g s

d i r e c t i o n

a m e r i c a n a

a d o b e

for more information

Please contact me if you have any questions or comments

or if you are interested in purchasing an archival print.